Saturday, August 21, 2010

Condom + Birth Control Pills = No Pregnancy?

If I am on birth control pills, and my bf uses condoms, and I do my part and take my pill at exactly the same time everyday, without missing one, what are the possibilities of pregnancy? I was reading online and I found that condoms %26amp; bc pills together are only 90 - 95% accurate, which is pretty good if you're looking at the numbers, but when you say ';you have a 5 - 10% chance of getting pregnant'; its a little scarier...

I'm trusting that my boyfriend knows how to put a condom on right, but I'm doing everything in my part to take my pill at the same time.

Please don't say ';NONE'; or ';THERE IS ALWAYS A CHANCE';. I want numbers lolCondom + Birth Control Pills = No Pregnancy?
The Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill (COCP), often referred to as the birth-control pill, or simply ';the Pill';, is a combination of an estrogen (oestrogen) and a progestin (progestogen), taken by mouth to inhibit normal female fertility. The estrogens and progesterones present in the pill completely inhibit the chance of your ovaries to produce eggs for the sperms. Further you said your partner is using the barrier-precaution too so preventing sperms to enter either. Although 1 sperm can make a woman pregnant but this is not at all the case. Thing is that 1 sperm needs a reinforcement of atleast 2 lacs sperms to do its job according to the book Langman Embroyology of Medical Sciences. So you are 99% on the safe side. Infact you are 100% but i leave 1% for the fact someday you forget to take the precautions, otherwise you are completely safe.

Hope it Helped,

Doctor EACondom + Birth Control Pills = No Pregnancy?
You are being a little too worried. Thats awesome! I was just like you, but as the years went on, and the longer the pill was in my system, the less worried I became. You will be fine. As long as the pill is being taken everyday, if the condom breaks or is faulty, you will still be fine. I stopped using condoms 2 years ago, and not even a scare. I would say keep on with the condom for STD purposes unless you have 100% knowledge your man is being monogomis. But as for worrying about getting a bun in the oven, you are covered! The numbers are there because they have to be there. Talk to your gyno...
I won't say NO chance. But there's nearly none. I can say that you will almost, most definitely not get pregnant. If you did, then you'd probably be on the news everywhere. It's extremely unlikely, you have nothing to worry about. It would have to take a load of superhero sperm to get you pregnant, or something. Although I can't give you any numbers, maybe someone else could. You should ask a doctor or check out a couple sites. Anyway, nothing to worry about. You're also being very safe. Good for you =]
honestly there is no possibility for pregnancy but these small numbers (%) are reported because of law reasons. if a condom breaks or if a pill is missed etc etc so don't panic just continue you and your bf to use condoms and pills correctly.
don't have numbers, but you're being as safe as you can be w/o having i think you're and your boyfriend are being very smart and you should be proud of're gravy
Have you thought about practicing abstinence. It's 100% reliable. Sex is awesome for marriage. God loves you.
pretty good if the condom doesn't break or if he doesn't put pinhole in it
Condoms and pills are 99% effective each when used right, over 99% effective for the pill actually. That's when used alone, when used together it's even more effective. Not sure where you heard a 5-10% failure rate, was that for typical use?

Most of it depends on how you use it. If you do take your pill right (not only same time every day, but there are other criteria too like not taking other medicines, check the leaflet) then that's over 99% effectiveness. Many women rely on the pill alone and have no problems.

Add in a condom used correctly and the chance will go down a lot. Remember this means putting the condom on before any penetration, a lot of people only put it on before ejaculation which is dumb. Also don't use old condoms etc. If you do that all right then the chance of a break or leak is very unlikely; if it happens, the pill is good back-up.

Pill suppresses ovulation very well, condom if working will stop any sperm from getting into you, so no egg and no sperm means no pregnancy.
to be honest...... there is really no chance until he doesn't *** inside you even if he uses a condom. Sorry to be so straight forward, but i am just telling what i feel ........and there is no chance. I am studying to be a doctor and i know it for sure. So u can relax....the things u read in the NET is not always true.......maybe it can be a add to a certain pill that they wanna advertise about. should also be seen that....u don't have sex often.......i mean once a week is OKAY but i don't recommend to have it daily as our body cant take that much stress and the pills sometimes don't work if you are very tired. OTHER THAN THAT....YOUR ARE SAFE !

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