Tuesday, August 24, 2010

No birth controls for menstruation flow?

Is there any way to make my period lighter besides birth control pills? I asked my mom for some, but she refused, saying I was naturally a heavy-flow person. I'm on vacation for two months, though, and would LOVE to make the flow lighter.

Also, does anyone know how to get rid of menstrual pains?No birth controls for menstruation flow?
i heard that lemon juice can cut your flow but it can be worse the next time around.No birth controls for menstruation flow?
Well, Depo Provera [a birth control shot given every 3 months or so] is known to stop periods. It varies from person to person though. Some women stop their period immediately and it never comes back.

For myself, it stopped for about a month, then come back on a spotting pattern for a month, and now its sort of there but not really. I get my second shot in a few weeks, and i'm expect it to be completely gone. My case is the most often reported. And with the month of spotting [basically]..there were no cramps or anything. You really don't notice.

As for pains..SLEEP! Or just be active. I noticed that doing dancing that involved my waist/abs helped me alot, because I got bad lower back pains.

You should ask about Depo though. The only main side effect is it decreases your bone mass I believe, so you just need a higher calcium intake.

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