Saturday, August 21, 2010

On Birth control but no period and sensitive boobs?

I am on loestrin 24 fe and have been on it for a few months. I have been on birth control all together for like 9 yrs. Last month I went on vacation and forgot my pills. I was on my third week. When I got home. I read the directions and it said to take one pill everyday until sunday then throw the pack out and start a new one. I did just that. I took sat pill. Then started a new pack sunday. I did spot for a lil (2 days) when I didn take my pills on vacation. I was suppose to get my period the week after but as per the directions, I started a new pack thus no period. Well was at the end of this pack and was suppose to get my period and no period. I just had some slight blood when I wiped but then it was gone. I never had issues with this pill before. Could it be cause I messed up? Or could I be pregnant? My bf and I did not have sex when I was on vacay due to the fact I didn't have my pills and we had protected sex at least 7 days after that to be sure. I was having excess white discharge for quite some time. More than normal. I also took a pregnancy test the day I was suppose to get my period and it came out negative. Could it be too early to test? The discharge now has kinda slow a little but my boobs started to feel tender..sometimes they do and sometimes they dont. Then other times they have a sore feeling...Sometimes under the armpit...Am I Pregnant?On Birth control but no period and sensitive boobs?
You forgetting to take some pills then going back on them, is probably the reason. i would go to your doctor and explain everything, as you have just here. your doctor will be able to tell you when it is ok to not need to use addition contraceptive as well as the pill to prevent pregnancy.

It is too early to test and you actually can't get an accurate reading if you taking the pill, you have to go to your doctor if you suspect your pregnant. the sore boobs etc is from have a short break off the pill them going back on again, your body is getting used to the hormones again.

1st of all thought, please go to your doctor to get some reassurance. it will put your mind at ease. hope this helps

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