Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why is my birth control pill no longer regulating my period?

I've been on the Loestrin 24 since September or November of last year in order to regulate my very irregular and sometimes terribly painful periods once college began. Because of my parents' concerns of side effects, I stopped taking them over Winter Break and planned to take them once my period resumed. Unfortunately, my period did not return until after Spring Break in early March.

In the past, the pill was rather good at regulating my period, so that I wouldn't have my period until the dedicated dates where I'd take the iron supplements provided in the pack. And then the period would always be very light and almost unnoticeable--unless I'd forget a day, then I'd bleed for a day or so.

Now though, I'm having my period 2 weeks into this pack and with very painful and debilitating symptoms: constant cramping, terrible weakness, digestion problems, and depression. What's wrong? Is it just part of the restarting my pack? Is it the progestin and low levels of estrogin no longer enough? Or is it something else that I should consult with a doctor about?

ThanksWhy is my birth control pill no longer regulating my period?
The most likely answer is that you missed one pill or took one late, either of these things can cause an early bleed. Why don't you try another cycle, talk to the doctor about the best time to restart.Why is my birth control pill no longer regulating my period?
It may be time for you to change your birth control. It is common that over a peroid of tine the body can become use to the hormones in the boirth control. See your doctor to get a new birth control.
A.) you stuck it in the freezer. B.) they are weaker now, change.. TO CONDOMS %26gt;:O

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